Friday, January 19, 2024

Kardang - Rizky Biznizz (2023)

When I first heard Kardang my first impression was, they are a really fun rock and roll band.   And after several more listens nothings really changed that attitude haha..I think this release is not only a really fun listen, I can imagine the band being a blast in a live setting.  Coming to us from the frigid northern Scandanavian country of Norway, Straight ahead rock isn't what you'd expect, but happily that is what we got.  I hear a lot of different influences in each song, some stand out more than others.  Don't Let me drive was an outstanding song that has that bluesy rock vibe that reminds me of the Four Horsemen (an American rock band who's claim to fame was Rockin is Ma Business).  The band is far from a one hit wonder, Man Eater takes that Four Horsemen meets AC/DC and is catchy as well.  If this song had been released when MTV was actually relevent it could have been a hit.  We're Gonna Be Alright is a little slower and has that Bryan Adams feel and would be a great choice for a single.  It's got that memorable chorus and I found my self singing along to it by the third listen. Scandanavian Girls is another really catchy song, I can imagine there being a naughtly little video for this haha.  When The Water Runs Dry has that Cult/Bryan Adams vibe. Dream Fever starts out with just Chris Williams singing accompanied by an acoustic guitar and you can really hear the emotion in his voice and get a real appreciation for his talents.  Putting yourself out there can really expose one's flaws or talent and thankfully it really showcases his raw raspy voice.  (I read another review who used Rod Stewart as a comparison and you can definately hear some similarities in Chris's voice, which is an incredible compliment in it's own right.  This is such a solid piece of work front to back.   There are no filler tracks and truth be told it might have made my year end best of list for 2023 had I heard it sooner.  I'd give it a solid 9.5/10. Now excuse me while I go back and listen to We're Gonna Be Alright for the 5th time.  [Independent]

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